1. Reports of Management Board, Supervisory Council and statement of the Sworn auditor, approval of Annual reports for the year 2019.
1) To get acquainted with the reports of the Management Board, the Supervisory Council of joint stock company Latvijas balzams and the statement of the sworn auditor.
2) To approve joint stock company’s Latvijas balzams annual report for the year 2019, report of dependency for the year 2019 and corporate governance report for the year 2019.
Voting results: decision is taken with the required majority of votes.
2. Distribution of profit for the year 2019.
1) To approve the profit of joint stock company Latvijas balzams for the year 2019 in the amount of 10 046 062 EUR.
2) The profit of joint stock company Latvijas balzams for the year 2019 in the amount of 10 046 062 EUR leave undistributed and use to strengthen the competitiveness of joint stock company Latvijas balzams.
Voting results: decision is taken with the required majority of votes.
3. Election of auditor for the audit of Annual reports for the year 2020 and determination of the remuneration for auditor.
1) To elect audit company PricewaterhouseCoopers SIA (reg.No 40003142793, legal address: Kr.Valdemāra street 21-21, Riga, LV-1010) as the sworn auditor for the audit of annual reports of joint stock company Latvijas balzams for the year 2020.
2) To determine 28 780 EUR, VAT not included, as the remuneration for auditor for the audit of annual reports for the year 2020.
3) To assign the Management Board of joint stock company Latvijas balzams to conclude the agreement with the elected auditor for the audit of annual reports for the year 2020 of joint stock company Latvijas balzams.
Voting results: decision is taken with the required majority of votes.
4. Election of the Supervisory Council and determination of the remuneration for the Supervisory Council.
1) In compliance with Part Seven of Section 296 of the Commercial Law to release from the positions of Supervisory Board members Petr Aven, Rolands Gulbis, Valizhan Abidov, Aleksandrs Maslo and Velga Celmiņa.
Voting results: decision is taken with the required majority of votes.
2) To elect for the office of the member of joint stock company Latvijas balzams Supervisory Council for the term of 5 (five) years, starting on 7 July 2020:
- Petr Aven;
- Rolands Gulbis;
- Valizhan Abidov;
- Jānis Buks;
- Velga Celmiņa.
Voting results: decision is taken by dividing of votes.
3) To determine that the total annual remuneration fund of the Supervisory Council cannot exceed EUR 130 000 and that the remuneration for the members of the Supervisory Council shall be paid in accordance with the remuneration policy of the Supervisory Council of joint stock company Latvijas balzams.
Voting results: decision is taken with the required majority of votes.
5. Election of the Audit Committee and determination of the remuneration for the Audit Committee.
1) To elect joint stock company Latvijas balzams Audit Committee in the composition of three members for a three-year period:
- Rolands Gulbis;
- Anita Zīle;
- Jeļena Skobeļeva.
Voting results: decision is taken by diving votes.
2) To determine that annual remuneration for the Audit Committee is not exceeding EUR 36 000 before the taxes and to authorise chairman of the Audit Committee to determine distribution of the remuneration among Audit Committee members.
Voting results: decision is taken with the required majority of votes.
5. Amendments to the Articles of Association.
To approve amendments to the Articles of Association (attached).
Voting results: decision is taken with the required majority of votes.
6. Approval of remuneration policy for the Management Board
To approve remuneration policy for the Management Board of joint stock company Latvijas balzams (attached).
Voting results: decision is taken with the required majority of votes.
Riga, 7 July 2020
Joint stock company Latvijas balzams
Chairman of the Management Board
Intars Geidāns