Society & Inclusion


We are aware that business activity has an impact both on our employees, as well as the society in general.

What are our priorities?

  • To take care of our employees by providing adequate working conditions, social guarantees and benefits;
  • To implement and support activities which are related to public education concerning responsible use of alcohol;
  • To involve employees implementing public interest projects in accordance with the Company’s Public Investment Policy.

What we do?

  • Amber Latvijas balzams is a responsible employer who pays taxes and implements a series of social programmes for employees of various ages by supporting employees who are students and retired employees, as well as offering training to the employees;
  • Each year Amber Latvijas balzams employees take part in community support projects, as well as events that are not linked to their professional activities, e.g., participation in the Big Cleanup [Lielā Talka], donation of clothing, toys and household items to shelters and children’s homes, classes promoting educational and vocational guidance in secondary and higher educational establishments;
  • Amber Latvijas balzams implements its marketing activities in accordance with the internally adopted Code of Ethical Marketing Communication [Ētiskas mārketinga komunikācijas kodekss];
  • Amber Latvijas balzamstakes active part in activities of Latvian and global industry NGOs and executes socially responsible projects in Latvia;
  • We support vocational education of youths by providing internships to students and cooperating with youths in the development of their university projects.
  • AS Amber Latvijas balzams has established a grant fund to support talented young specialists in the fields of logistics, economics, quality control, production automation and chemistry;
  • AS Amber Latvijas balzams educates the society concerning the consequences of alcohol addiction, as well as sensible and responsible consumption of alcoholic beverages by maintaining website and carrying out social campaigns;
  • Our employees provide individual help to children’s homes of Latvia.