Management Board of joint stock company “Latvijas balzams” (registration number: 40003031873, legal address: 160 Aleksandra Caka street, Riga, Latvia, LV-1012)…
Draft Resolutions of the Annual Meeting of Shareholders of joint stock company “Latvijas balzams” to be held on 14 June 2018
1. Reports of Management Board, Council and statement of Sworn auditor, approval of Annual reports for the year 2017. 1) To get acquainted with…
Notification on convocation of joint stock company “Latvijas balzams” Annual General Meeting of shareholders
Management Board of joint stock company “Latvijas balzams” (registration number: 40003031873, legal address: 160 Aleksandra Caka iela, Riga, Latvia, LV-1012) calls…
RESOLUTIONS of the Annual Meeting of Shareholders of JSC “Latvijas balzams” held on 28 June 2017
1. Reports of Management Board, Council and statement of Sworn auditor, approval of Annual reports for the year 2016. 1) …
DRAFT RESOLUTIONS of the Annual Meeting of Shareholders of JSC “Latvijas balzams” to be held on 28 June 2017
1. Reports of Management Board, Council and statement of Sworn auditor, approval of Annual reports for the year 2016. 1) …
Notification on convocation of Annual General Meeting of shareholders
Management Board of joint stock company “Latvijas balzams” (registration number: 40003031873, legal address: 160 Aleksandra Caka iela, Riga, Latvia, LV-1012)…
Amber Beverage Group announces voluntary buyout offer for LB shareholders
In accordance with Finance and Capital Markets Commission decision no.41 from February 10, 2016 Amber Beverage Group – the shareholder…